Medical Support Paramedics for Food Processing Companies

Emergency Paramedic Responders - Medical Services

Food processing companies are a major component of the nation’s accessibility to food in our shops and supermarkets. Thus, it is important that the staff are valued and are able to work in the safest possible environment. Wright Medics are enthusiastic about fostering a culture of safety in the workplace, by sharing knowledge on how to minimise hazards, and providing expertise in immediate responses to injuries.


Why are medical support paramedics important for food processing companies?

Hazards posed by food processing institutions

As in all workplaces, hazards are unavoidable. However, in food processing institutions, the potential for hazards to cause harm to staff is increased, as the nature of the hazards themselves are more prominent. For example, food processing settings have the potential to cause:


  • Slips and trips – It is common for consistent disinfection and floor cleaning in a food processing environment to maintain a good standard of hygiene, and to prevent cross contamination. Inadequate timing or signage of a wet floor can cause slips, trips and falls.


  • Harm in confined spaces – Food processing settings may possess areas of confined spaces, such as a silo or tank. Inexperienced staff may find themselves stuck and at risk of asphyxiation.


  • Burns – Staff may be exposed to hot surfaces in a food processing establishment, or boiling water and steam. This hazard has the potential to cause burns and scalds.


  • Accidents with machinery – Food processing machinery, such as industrial mixers, blenders and grinders, can pose a hazard to their operators. Machinery-related injuries, in particular, can be severe and require urgent medical attention.


Rapid response to workplace accidents

Even with every possible safety measure in place, accidents can still occur. Our medical support paramedics are trained in swift, effective responses to all accidents and emergencies. The expertise, knowledge and intense training that our responders possess leave them prepared for any scenario, alongside the ability to administer the correct medication.

On-site paramedics can provide peace of mind to all staff, and the time taken to assess and stabilise an accident can be the difference between a quicker recovery, and longer-term complications.

Importantly, minimising injuries and health issues on-site can aid in reducing strain on the NHS, by preventing the requirement for A&E and leaving doctors with more time to focus on those who need urgent care.


Promoting a culture of safety

Fostering a workplace culture of safety is one of Wright Medic’s main priorities. Educating and demonstrating good safety practices encourages staff to take initiative, and look out for their own safety in addition to their colleague’s.

Employees that feel supported will have more confidence in their establishment, subsequently heightening job satisfaction. Not to mention, the institution will be adhering to their industry standards by fostering a strong safety culture in the workplace.


Risk assessment

In addition to on-site paramedic medical care, Wright Medics offer a detailed, comprehensive assessment of the hazards on your food processing site. This process also involves the assessment of the proximity of local hospitals, and the type of specialist units they have.

By executing an in-depth risk assessment, effective education can be implemented, regarding ways to mitigate these risks and prevent injury and accidents in the workplace.


Safety training for food processing staff

At the centre of our approach to safety, we believe that prevention is inherently better than cure. The best possible method to prevent accidents from occurring is the education of safety measures for staff. Our safety passport training programs encompass topics such as injury prevention, safe use of machinery, risk assessment and PPE.

Contact us

If you are looking to improve the standard of safety in your food processing company, get in touch with us today on 01909 730507, email us at, or fill out our contact form and someone will get back to you shortly.

Don’t wait for an accident to happen – let our highly trained paramedics provide you with peace of mind that your staff are protected.